AFG for Gut Integrity
AFG®: Animal Feed Grade
Support Gut Integrity with Sulfate
AFG® – Animal Feed Grade is a functional feed ingredient for all classes of poultry that provides improved bird performance by increasing gut integrity.
Containing 19.7% sodium* and 80% sulfate, AFG is a non-chloride sodium source with the highest sulfate content of any ingredient or additive. In the GI tract, sulfate ions bind to the mucin molecules that compose the mucus layer, and this helps to protect the mucus layer from bacterial and enzymatic degradation. By making the mucus layer more resilient, AFG helps:
- Protect the intestinal epithelial layer, thus improving intestinal morphology and function1
- Enhance nutrient absorption for better bird performance2
- Prevent intestinal damage during a coccidiosis challenge3

Why Feed AFG
Research studies and field data have shown the significant and far-reaching value of AFG.

Increased carcass yield and increased breast yield Learn more >

Improved gut morphology and decreased gut leakage (FITC-D assay) Learn more >

Decreased kill age and increased livability

Increased average daily gain

Improved FCR

Increased AA digestibility
Added Benefits of AFG
AFG reduces salt inclusion levels and unnecessary chloride levels in the diet while maintaining dietary electrolyte balance (DEB) and gut integrity to positively impact bird performance and environment.

Positively Impact Litter Quality
AFG promotes balance in the GI tract for less flushing and better litter conditions, thereby supporting welfare and performance.

Support Performance During Heat Stress
AFG helps maintain water intake to support performance during heat stress.
Learn more about AFG - Animal Feed Grade
Product details
– Contains 19.7% sodium* and sulfur (26%)
– Inclusion rate between 0.3% and 0.4% in diet
– Available in 50 lb. bags, 2,000 lb. totes and bulk
– GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status under FDA
– Mixes well in diets
– Produced in compliance with Food Safety and Modernization Act
– Recognized by AAFCO
*sodium range 19.5% – 19.9%
Implementation and Product Support
We understand that feed mills are diverse and complex operations. Our experienced, highly-trained engineering and technical support staff are ready to assist you in adding AFG to your feed mill operation to ensure a smooth, safe and accurate implementation.