AFG in Challenged and Unchallenged Conditions

Support Performance in Challenged and Unchallenged Conditions

As a mineral acid with a pKa of 1.99, AFG lowers feed pH and reduces buffering effects of diets in the upper GI tract. By working to maintain gut integrity, AFG positively impacts bird performance in all conditions.

Mitigate Performance Losses in Challenged Birds

Coccidiosis affects birds’ ability to absorb nutrients, which challenges performance. By working to maintain gut integrity, AFG mitigates those losses.

A 44-day trial was conducted in commercial type housing by Dr. Bradley Turner, DVM, MAM, to evaluate the effect of AFG on the performance of broilers subjected to a coccidiosis challenge. All birds were raised on built-up litter and administered a 2X dose of coccidiosis vaccine. The control group was not supplemented with AFG nor a coccidiostat. The trial showed that birds fed AFG during the peak of the coccidiosis challenge experienced significantly improved feed conversion rates and improved body weight gain.

Birds fed AFG had higher body weights in challenged conditions, with the highest weights at the 8 lb (0.4%) inclusion rate.

Birds fed AFG had the lowest feed conversion ratio, with the best performance at the 8 lb (0.4%) inclusion rate.

a,b,c Means with different letters differ significantly (P<0.001)
44 day trial; Cocci vaccine (2X dose), built up litter;12 pens per treatment; 40 birds/pen

Ready to learn more about AFG?

Unchallenged Birds Fed AFG

A field trial was conducted in Arkansas in collaboration with a poultry integrator in order to evaluate the performance of broilers fed rations formulated with the addition of AFG.

In a commercial-type house, feed treatments were randomly assigned to pens containing 100 chicks each, with 8 replicate pens per treatment. As was seen with the challenged trial, the birds in the unchallenged trial once again showed improved feed conversion and body weights compared to the control.

Birds fed AFG had higher weights

Birds fed AFG experienced better feed conversion

a,b,c Means with different letters differ significantly (P<0.05)
33-day commercial broiler trial; No challenge; 8 pens per treatment; 100 birds/pen

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The Power of AFG